"Ripo (pronounced re-po) comes from ‘repossess’ and the idea of taking something back by doing it yourself,” he says. “Also, taking back public space, which should be ours anyway."

"The work of multimedia street and studio artist Ripo thrives on contexts. With legal and illegal pieces popping up in 36 countries, Ripo’s boldly crafted images and carefully hand-lettered slogans may appear anywhere from a European gallery to the side of an abandoned building in Central America. Wherever they appear, they comment on place: the place of the artist in a community as well as the place of the viewer in a public space. Even his assumed name, Ripo, is anonymous, malleable, and open to interpretation."

"Ripo’s street art is as intelligent as the artist himself, often fusing typography and sarcasm on dilapidated buildings all over the world. His typography evokes a vintage 1950’s America and is juxtaposed with modern social commentary."

Ripo's work is super inspiring because of his true commitment to not only his street art, but his art in general. He uses current events as a main source of inspiration, creating much needed social commentary through humor and sarcasm. A true craftsman and artist, his concepts are directly linked to his process and inspirations. Although Ripo mainly composes typographic pieces, he is not limited to that alone. He also uses photography, drawing, and mixed media as mediums in which to best portray his unique commentary. Ripo's limitless artistry and motivation as a commentator on events in society past and present sets him apart as a street artist in contemporary graffiti.
View his work here:
The following link contains a first-hand interview with Ripo discussing his influences, inspirations, process, concept, and art in general.
The following link contains another informative interview with Ripo. Lori Zimmer asks him about his more recent projects, as well as gets reactions from everyday people in regards to his street art.
The next links work as a pair in showcasing Ripo's recent work, including a video showcasing a news/events inspired piece.
Found via his personal blog, Ripo did an interview with music magazine Alarm in Spring 2009. This interview best communicates his relevance and timelessness in street art.
And finally, one last quick interview with Ripo mainly discussing his relationship with his current residence in Barcelona.