Monday, August 15, 2011
Frank Wildhorn
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Jack Johnson
Fortunately, I was able to attend a concert of his about three years ago, and I will never forget how amazing of a musician he is. Not only can he play his guitar with ease, but he can also sing his songs just as you would expect to hear from his album. The best part of the concert was the fact that I was in the front row and could feel the energy and emotion he had in his music. He actually enjoys what he does and wants to share his brilliant lyrics and talents with others.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain is considered one of the forerunners in creating "grunge" music. His band, Nirvana, surfaced in the early 1990's in Seattle with a unique and different sound, quickly gaining popularity around the country. Cobain was ranked the 12th greatest guitarist according to Rolling Stone. His music was an emotional journey for many listeners, and especially hit people in the age range of 13-25. His music was about angst, and captured the emotions of growing up.
As many rockers do, Kurt Cobain got wrapped up in drugs and alcohol, and became very depressed towards the end of his life. He fought an addiction to heroin, and was constantly worried about how the public was perceiving him, and that his audience wasn't getting the correct message from his music. He was married to Courtney Love, and had a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain.
Kurt Cobain sadly died April 8, 2004. The main theory is that he committed suicide, leaving behind a suicide note, with a shotgun lying on his chest. There are many other theories that he was murdered, or that it was a homicide. However he died, it was a tragic event in many people's lives. Cobain was an inspirational artist to many, and his music continues to be played on all major radio stations.
News and Information about Kurt Cobain
This website provides more recent information about Kurt Cobain and events surrounding him and his music. It also contains biographies, and links to interviews.
Complete List of Nirvana's Music
This link provides a complete list of every song released by Nirvana.
Death of Kurt Cobain
There is all of the main conspiracies of Cobain's death listed on this website. It explains each conspiracy, and the proof behind it.
Andy Goldsworthy
Information about the artist & examples of his work.
This site features his biography, philosophy, examples of his works, and list of exhibitions between 2002 and 2004. The examples of his works include short descriptions which are similar to the style found in his books.
Find a list of his books here.
This is a bibliography of his books posted by a fan. There are twenty total and may be a useful list if interested in purchasing or locating one of his books in a library.
Documentary about Andy Goldsworthy.
This link allows you to access details, reviews, and a message board for the documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer - River and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time. The movie was rated 7.9 by IMDB users!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Savion Glover

Tom Morello is a singer/songwriter/musician. He is most notable for his roles in bands such as Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, and his solo acoustic act The Nightwatchman. Morello is easily identified by his use of effects in his playing, using different sounds and processors to create totally new and innovative sounds that make the guitar sounds like a completely different instrument. Most of the musical acts that Morello has been in have been politically charged (especially Rage Against the Machine), and have performed at places such as the Democratic National Convention in 2000.
What really draws me to this artist is the way he plays the guitar and simply because of the kind of person he is. The kinds of sounds that Morello is able to produce are incredibly interesting, almost DJ-like in sounds, which nobody else is able to reproduce. He has created a whole new vast array of sounds and textures with the guitar that work perfectly within the music he plays. He is also a Harvard graduate with a degree in political science, which speaks to me in a way that not many other rock musicians do, considering he has obtained a degree at such a prestigious school while still touring and playing in many highly popular bands. Because of this, I give weight and equity to his political views and ideas, which are easily heard throughout his music.
This is the official site for Morello’s Nightwatchman act. Fans can learn all about his music as well as the groups and organizations he supports.
This is a youtube video of Tom on MTV demonstrating to the audience some of the cool sounds he can make on the guitar, as well as explaining how he creates them.
A quick overview of Tom Morello including some of his most popular songs and bands that he has played in. Although short, the site touches on some of his most notable achievements and music and is good for getting an idea of what his music is like.
J Mascis

Usher Raymond

Since the late 1990s, Usher Terry Raymond, also known as Usher has been a musical sensation. Usher has the whole package from being a popular singer, dancer and overall a great entertainer because from his catchy dance music “Yeah” to his slow jams, a number one hit called “Nice and slow”. His popular songs are for everyone to enjoy. The RIAA ranks Usher as one of best-selling artists in American history, selling over 23 million copies only in America. Born October 14, 1978 and born in Dallas, Texas. Even when Usher was at a young age, many of Usher’s family members noticed his musical talents and star quality. When Usher was nine he joined a church choir and later he joined an R&B quintet called NuBeginnings. Usher has produced five albums and recently produced his latest album called Raymond V. Raymond.
Usher music is also universal where many other generations can appreciate his work. I have seen many of the younger generation can enjoy the catchy beats and older generations who can also appreciate his work.
One reason why I think Usher is a memorable artist is because I grew up with his music, in the 1990s I listened to his slow jams of “Nice and Slow” and even now when I am in the gym his catchy dance music pumps me up to work out harder. Unlike many artists today, Usher is not just a new fad that will not be remembered in future generations; he is known as the king of R&B and will be remembered in future generations. is Usher’s official website. This website includes information about Usher’s career with his music and his personal life. There is also a subtitle to find out Usher’s current tour dates and a shop online to buy his merchandise.
This is Usher’s Facebook page. This Facebook page keeps up to date information of Usher through posting status updates. This Facebook page also has videos of Usher’s music and personal videos. This Facebook page is also linked to other networking sites such as Twitter.
This website shows Usher’s biography, a list of albums, and different TV shows he has been a guest star in. There is also a section of “trivia” that list random facts of Usher’s life. In the end of the page there is a section of personal quotes and a section on what he is doing now.
John Adams
John Adams is one of the most significant composers today and his music is probably the most played of any living American composer. After completing his education at Harvard University, John Adams got his start as a professional composer while teaching at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in the 1970's. Adams was inspired by the minimalist music of Philip Glass, Steve Reich and Teri Riley and decided to take his method of composition in that direction. Minimalist music is characterized by slowly-evolving musical materials through layering and gradual, subtle shifts in tonality. Minimalist music has a tendency to put the listener into a trance. If one focuses hard enough on the music, hidden rhythms, melodies, or other relations between musical materials may be revealed which increases the pleasure of listening to the style. Some of his earliest pieces such as Shaker Loops (1978) and Phrygian Gates (1978) are in the minimalist style. Adams was able to commit more time to being a full time composer when he became composer-in-residence for the San Francisco Symphony (SFS) in 1982. It was through his association with the SFS that many of his works, such as Harmonium (1980-81) and Grand Pianola Music (1982), received their first performances. Adams achieved worldwide fame as a composer with his operas Nixon in China (1985-87) and The Death of Klinghoffer (1990-91). One of his most recent operas is Dr. Atomic (2004-05) which is about Robert Oppenheimer and the creation of the world's first atomic bomb. Adams has written a couple really great concertos including two piano concertos (Eros Piano (1989) and Century Rolls (1996)), the Violin Concerto (1993) and Dharma at Big Sur (2003), which is a electric-violin concerto. Adams received a Pulitzer Prize in 2003 for his work, On the Transmigration of Souls (2002), which is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. John Adams continues to compose to this day (his most recently published work was City Noir (2009)) and I think that he will be recognized as one of the most significant composers in the history of American art music and even the World.
Part of what draws me to this composer is the fact that his compositions are always in keeping with the modern trends in music. His use of electronic instruments in his pieces adds a modern feel to his pieces and I think that it is really important for the world of classical music to adopt newer technologies. John Adams's minimalism is really great because it seems so epic in scale. Adams's minimalism can be contrasted with the minimalism of Steve Reich because of its scope. A lot of the music Steve Reich is "phase music", where a recording is continuously looped and duplicated over itself. I like Adams's minimalism because it combines recorded materials with live acoustic instruments. One that I really prefer is known as Light Over Water (1983), which is a three-movement minimalist symphony with seven brass players and synthesizer. Adams keeps our interest in this piece by experimenting with funky rhythms, layerings, and tone colors between the various brass instruments and synthesizer.
Suggested Listening: One of John Adams's most popular pieces is the Fanfare for Orchestra, Short Ride in a Fast Machine (1986). It is in the minimalist style that Adams became so famous for.
This Website is John Adams's official website. It features John Adams's Biography, Works, Links & Interviews, information about his book Hallelujah Junction, and his blog known as "Hell Mouth".
This website is a fansite about John Adams. It too features a Biography of John Adams, but also has different sections about Adams's opera Nixon in China and Minimalist Music.
This is the official G. Schirmer website, which is one of the biggest sheet music publisher. G. Schimer publishes works by John Adams and the