Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heather Angel

    • Heather Angel
    • Born in 1941
    • Heather Angel  is at the forefront of wildlife photography in Britain and her work has been recognized by many awards all over the world including an honorary doctorate from Bath University, a special professorship from Nottingham University and a top award from the USA BioCommunications Association.
    •  Heather Angel was President of the Royal Photographic Society from 1984-1986. She communicates her enthusiasm for photographing the natural world via her prodigious writing, her workshops and lectures. 
    • Websites: 
      • This is Heather Angels official website with information of current and upcoming exhibits that she will be doing and where you can buy official merchandise from her. 
      • The wikipedia page for Heather Angel doesn't have much information about her more current work but gives a lot of insight into her schooling and the awards that she has won.
      • This is a link to an interview that Angel did talking about her passion for photography and what she likes most about it. It goes more in depth with who she is and how she began her photography career.
    • I Am very passionate about photography and that is where I find my artistic eye drifting to most. In my opinion Heather Angel is one of the best photographers not only in Wildlife photos but in photography in general. She has a natural eye for animals and nature without manipulation of the environment. She has traveled all over the world and won many awards for her natural talent. Heather Angel is inspiring for Natural worldly photography that I admire greatly.